Physics Lecture Hall

Office of Evaluation and Assessment

Ray of light

What We Do 

University of California Riverside's Office of Evaluation and Assessment aims to facilitate a culture of data-driven decision-making and continuous educational improvement with student success as its ultimate goal. Here is a list of some of the work we do to meet our mission: 

  • We implement a campus-wide workshop series on the assessment cycle. 
  • We facilitate campus-wide assessment at the program and institutional level. 
  • We design and conduct studies on the effectiveness of UCR's academic support programs. 
  • We provide support to faculty and programs needing help with grant proposals and other projects that have an evaluation or assessment component. 
  • We support UCR's WASC Accreditation activities through writing, research, and organizational support. 

We accomplish our goals by partnering with the Center for Teaching and Learning, Academic Senate, Undergraduate and Graduate Divisions, and various other entities on campus. Our website serves as a valuable repository of resources and information aimed at enhancing the learning experience at UCR.