The Teaching Practice Inventory is a self-reported survey of what instructors do in the classroom and is based on the work of Carl Wieman and Sara Gilbert. The survey asks about a number of practices that research on teaching and learning has found to help student learn. While not every practice might make sense in every class, and the goal for any class might not be to include every practice, this survey can help an instructor see where, and how much, their practices align with research on effective teaching practices.
The inventory was taken by seven instructors at UCR in the fall of 2016 and a report about this pilot can found in this report.
An online, self-scoring, version of the survey can be accessed by emailing . A score summarizing your answers, and a marked version of the survey, will be emailed to you automatically after completing your survey. The Office of Evaluation and Assessment hopes to gather responses from a number of instructors as part of larger efforts to improve undergraduate education. Individual responses will be held in confidence and any data shared would be shared in ways which make it unlikely anyone could identify any particular respondents responses. (For example, averages or a distribution of responses.) If you do not want your data to be included in data collection efforts please indicate this.
More detail about the survey can be found in a recent publication by Carl Wieman and Sarah Gilbert available below. The document contains a copy of the survey as well as citations to the specific studies that support claims that some teaching practices are more effective than others in large undergraduate classrooms.